Flint Hills Home Show in Manhatten, Kansas

Flint Hills Home Show in Manhatten, Kansas - 23rd - 24th February 2024
There are a ton of benefits to becoming a vendor, with over 2,500 plus paid attendees plus many other guests of FABA over the weekend event. Many of these potential clients include homeowners, renovation enthusiasts, new construction home buyers and some just seeking to improve their personal castle with the innovations you bring to the table. With current high levels of interest in remodeling homes, it’s a great time to be face to face with many of the public.

The appeal to the attending public is great. Our past vendor report showed that the buyer ratio was higher at this show. Not only do you have a chance to market to the Flint Hills region, the vendors that attend are mostly local businesses and they each have multiple employees working the show in addition to attending. We all love the home we live in and have dreams.

We hope you join us during the Flint Hills Home Show February 23-25.

Dates and Times

Friday, February 23, 2024
9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday, February 24, 2024
11:00am - 4:00pm


Army National Guard
721 Levee Drive, Manhattan, Kansas 66502


Unknown: see event website for more information.
Before Attending: Check the event website to make sure the event is still taking place.