Event ended 2 weeks ago
Greater Worcester Model Train Show

Worcester Model Railroaders, Inc. Annual Show & Sale, Info: Ralph Kimball, 508-868-5189, ralphkimball@charter.net and www.wmrr.org. The show has approximately 25 model railroad dealers offering items for sale as well as HO& N scale operating layouts available for viewing. Raffle tickets for a complete 4’x8’ model railroad layout (on display) will be available at the show. The 60’x 40’ Worcester Model Railroad Club layout will be open and operating using Digital Command Control and is only 15 minutes from the show in Webster, MA. For directions go to www.wmrr.org. Handicapped Accessible.
Date and Time
Sunday, February 23, 202510:00am - 3:00pm
Auburn/ Webster Elks Lodge #2118
754 Southbridge Street, Auburn, Massachusetts 01501
754 Southbridge Street, Auburn, Massachusetts 01501
$6 children under 12 are freeBefore Attending: Check the event website to make sure the event is still taking place.