Event ended 1 year ago
Utah Philatelic Society Stamp Show

Exhibits - Sales - Stamp Supplies - Free Appraisals - Silent Auction - Door Prizes
For stamp vendor information, contact Dave Blackhurst at - 801/580-9534
New Youth Area
Free stamps and supplies for the new young collector. A packet for Boy Scout Merit Badge completion will be available.
Dealers from throughout the West with a wide offering of stamps and supplies will be available.
Free Admission & Free Parking
There is an area just for youth aged 12 and under with FREE stamps to start a new hobby and stamps to help Boy Scouts (any age) earn a Stamp collecting merit badge. The Youth area will have adult s to supervise and give assistances.
Stamps and collectables for all ages What a great event for families and individuals!
There will be NO admission charge and Parking is free.
For stamp vendor information, contact Dave Blackhurst at - 801/580-9534
New Youth Area
Free stamps and supplies for the new young collector. A packet for Boy Scout Merit Badge completion will be available.
Dealers from throughout the West with a wide offering of stamps and supplies will be available.
Free Admission & Free Parking
There is an area just for youth aged 12 and under with FREE stamps to start a new hobby and stamps to help Boy Scouts (any age) earn a Stamp collecting merit badge. The Youth area will have adult s to supervise and give assistances.
Stamps and collectables for all ages What a great event for families and individuals!
There will be NO admission charge and Parking is free.
Dates and Times
Friday, October 6, 2023 10:00am - 6:00pm |
Saturday, October 7, 2023 10:00am - 4:00pm |
Sons of the Utah Pioneer Building
3301 E Louise St, Millcreek, Utah 84109
3301 E Louise St, Millcreek, Utah 84109
Free admissionBefore Attending: Check the event website to make sure the event is still taking place.